Bringing Hope & Healing
The mission of Eagles Wings is to bring hope and healing to survivors of domestic violence. We advocate, educate, and empower women to discover their true value and worth in order to break the cycle of abuse in their families. We provide physical, emotional, and spiritual support to those seeking freedom and restoration.
All persons have the right to be treated with dignity, civility, honor, and respect. We bring awareness to the community and help connect survivors to the resources they need.
Protect my people by Janet Hyun
Equipping Community Leaders
Eagles Wings equips community leaders to support women in abusive relationships with the Love Does No Harm curriculum. The purpose of this curriculum is to help educate and empower women to overcome domestic violence in a safe support group. Our heart is to love with compassion and honor Jesus in all we do.
Our vision is to break the generational cycle of violence in families across our nation and around the world so every person can experience true peace in the love of God.
Eagles Wings History

Since her abuse in the 1970’s Judi Noble started dreaming of a ministry for women coming out of abuse.

In 1993, Judi received a prophetic word about God giving her a women’s ministry in her 50’s. The image was a mother eagle feeding baby birds. In the image, Judi had the number eight on her back, representing new beginnings. The following year, she went to Alaska and received another word about starting a ministry. God gave her the scripture Isaiah 40:31, and the name “Eagle’s Wings” as two Eagles flew overhead. During the next five years she began the process of starting a nonprofit, obtaining the 501c3 exemption status, and forming the Board of Directors.

In 2001, Eagle’s Wings hosted its first “Love Does No Harm” seminar and began offering support groups, with 35 women attending the first group. Eagle’s Wings continued to expand support groups and mentoring services including the conception of a codependency group.

Eagle’s Wings expands support groups to 3 counties in Southern California.
Eagle’s Wings began a mentorship training program and has been graduating mentors ever since.

Eagle’s Wings releases the revised edition of the “Love Does No Harm” curriculum. Eagle’s Wings expands the ministry to Africa.
Our Board of Directors
Our Board Advisors
Meet Our Team
Founder and President
Judi Noble, Founder and President of Eagle’s Wings Ministries