Bringing Hope & Healing

The mission of Eagles Wings is to bring hope and healing to survivors of domestic violence. We advocate, educate, and empower women to discover their true value and worth in order to break the cycle of abuse in their families. We provide physical, emotional, and spiritual support to those seeking freedom and restoration. 

All persons have the right to be treated with dignity, civility, honor, and respect. We bring awareness to the community and help connect survivors to the resources they need. 

Protect my people by Janet Hyun

Equipping Community Leaders

Eagles Wings equips community leaders to support women in abusive relationships with the Love Does No Harm curriculum. The purpose of this curriculum is to help educate and empower women to overcome domestic violence in a safe support group. Our heart is to love with compassion and honor Jesus in all we do.

Our vision is to break the generational cycle of violence in families across our nation and around the world so every person can experience true peace in the love of God.

Eagles Wings History


judi noble timeline

Since her abuse in the 1970’s Judi Noble started dreaming of a ministry for women coming out of abuse.


eagles wings timeline

In 1993, Judi received a prophetic word about God giving her a women’s ministry in her 50’s. The image was a mother eagle feeding baby birds. In the image, Judi had the number eight on her back, representing new beginnings. The following year, she went to Alaska and received another word about starting a ministry. God gave her the scripture Isaiah 40:31, and the name “Eagle’s Wings” as two Eagles flew overhead. During the next five years she began the process of starting a nonprofit, obtaining the 501c3 exemption status, and forming the Board of Directors.


love does no harm support group timeline

In 2001, Eagle’s Wings hosted its first “Love Does No Harm” seminar and began offering support groups, with 35 women attending the first group. Eagle’s Wings continued to expand support groups and mentoring services including the conception of a codependency group.


purple ribbon timeline

Eagle’s Wings expands support groups to 3 counties in Southern California.

Eagle’s Wings began a mentorship training program and has been graduating mentors ever since.


africa timeline

Eagle’s Wings releases the revised edition of the “Love Does No Harm” curriculum. Eagle’s Wings expands the ministry to Africa.

Our Board of Directors

  • Judi Noble: Executive Director, Chairman of the Board

  • Deborah Day: Vice President, RN (Loma Linda)

  • Rev. Dr. Fraser Venter: Strategic Catalyst for Love-Driven Justice (

  • Joanne Giacopuzzi: Liaison for Love Does No Harm Mentors

  • Genevieve Shenton: Treasurer

  • Dr. Rhonda Beckwith: Secretary, Licensed MFT (Azusa Pacific University)

  • Tracy Boase: Board Member, MFT

Our Board Advisors

  • Dr. Scott Lee

  • Bob Mueller
  • Danny & Joyce Ross
  • Cindy Ramirez

Meet Our Team

Judi Noble
Judi NobleExecutive Director / Founder
Judi Noble is the Founder and Executive Director of Eagle’s Wings Ministries in Upland, California. She is a survivor of domestic abuse and has served as Executive Director for over 28 years, helping hundreds of women find their voice. She is the author of Radical Reconciliation, A Story of Overcoming Domestic Violence and the Love Does No Harm curriculum. Judi is a deeply committed Christian and the joy of her life is her son, Jeff.
Laura Tortora
Laura TortoraAssistant Executive Director
Laura is the Assistant Executive Director of Eagle’s Wings. She is also a survivor of abuse and has a passion to serve other survivors to see them break the cycle of violence in their own lives. She had over 20 years of experience in accounting, administration, HR, and the nonprofit sector. She also holds multiple certifications in Business Management, Counseling and Social Work in addition to a Master’s of Management and Leadership. In her spare time, Laura enjoys traveling and spending time with her family.
Rev. Dr. Fraser Venter
Rev. Dr. Fraser Venter
is the Free Methodist Strategic Catalyst for Love-Driven Justice. A position that serves and encourages leaders to know and demonstrate God’s heart for Biblical Justice. Previously Fraser was the Lead Pastor of Cucamonga Christian Fellowship for 25 years. Fraser currently serves on various Justice non-profits that care for the marginalized. He and JoAnne are blessed with two adult children, who are amazing world changers. And now the captor of his heart, his first grandchild.
Dr. Scott W. Lee
Dr. Scott W. Lee
is currently a Professor of Medicine at Loma Linda University and on staff in the division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism. Dr. Lee was past President of the Board and has been a long time supporter of Eagle’s Wings for its help and ministry to those suffering from domestic violence.
Dr. Lee is excited about the new curriculum that the organization has developed and the impact it will have on the churches globally and with victims of Domestic Violence. He has seen the tangible effects of Eagles Wings reach so many lives through the power of the Holy Spirit and is deeply honored to serve as an Advisory to the Board.
Deborah Day
Deborah Day
has partnered with Eagles Wings through the mentorship program, serving on the Board of Directors and as Vice President. Judi Noble’s life coaching was pivotal in Deborah’s healing from DV into a healthier life and she desires to see others freed as well. Deborah’s faith is foundational to how she lives; dividing her time between working as a nurse, operating an equine facility, painting in her studio and spending time with family and friends.
Jessica Garibay
Jessica Garibay
has been volunteering with Eagles Wings since 2017. She completed the mentorship program and serves as the lead mentor. God led her to Eagles Wings after surviving an inconsistent 15 year relationship overcome by domestic violence. Jessica’s heart is in helping those that have been hurt, lost their dreams, or lost their way by being a victim of domestic violence. Her goal is to get these amazing loved women from victim to strong survivor.
Deanna Barbosa
Deanna Barbosa
works as a finance analyst and has a genuine love for God and ministry. She has volunteered with Eagles Wings since 2016 serving on the mentor team and facilitating Love Does No Harm support groups for women. Deanna is happily married and loves to cook and bake. She enjoys sharing her many gifts to bless others in the community.
Tracy Boase
Tracy Boase
has been a part of Eagles Wings since 2016. She started as a volunteer and soon became a mentor. She has helped facilitate the Love Does No Harm Support Groups and helped mentor the women who have stayed in the Father’s House. In 2022 she joined the Board of Directors after graduating with her master’s degree as a Marriage and Family Therapist. Tracy is honored to serve in this ministry which has helped many women to find the confidence and faith to make their dreams become a reality.

Founder and President

Judi Noble, Founder and President of Eagle’s Wings Ministries