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Read "When I Call for Help: A Pastoral Response to Domestic Violence Against Women."
Read "When I Call for Help: A Pastoral Response to Domestic Violence Against Women."
It should be evident that members of the leadership team who are themselves abusers must be removed. It should be evident, but sadly, some pastors just don't get it.
Help the abuser get help. Pray for him. But do not let the abuser off the hook by minimizing the gravity of what he has done.
Make the victim aware of the network of resources available to help. Reassure the victim that your church is one of those resources.
Safety first for the abused person and children caught in the middle of the relationship. Have a list of emergency shelters available to share with the victims in your community.
The signs of abuse are not always a bloodied, black-eyed victim. Quite often, they are much more subtle. This is why pastoral teams need to be trained to recognize a number of possible signs
In order to help prevent Domestic Violence it is vitally important to: Give a "Correct Reading of Scripture." Often, men who abuse their wives use the Scriptures (for example, "women submit to your husbands") as a justification for their abuse.
Standing together, churches can become powerful first-responder networks that help create zero tolerance for intimate partner abuse and dating violence throughout the communities they serve.
There are a myriad of reasons why women stay in abusive relationships. And while we understand that intimate partner abuse impacts both men and women, we focus on why women stay with abusive men in our women’s support groups.
Leaving an abusive relationship can be a dangerous undertaking. Create a plan for where you will go to be safe, and prepare in advance as much as possible